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 The three steps include the following points:

Step 1: Find the hazard

Find the hazards in your workplace

  • Talk to your staff to gain workplace safety insights
  • Scheduled meetings, such as tool box talks etc
  • Working closely with your workers
  • Consider long turn injury causing hazards in the workplace
  • Research hazards that are found in your industry
  • Go through any injury records to locate any reoccurring injuries

Step 2: Assess the risks

  • What are the possible outcomes of each hazard?
  • Consider frequency and severity
  • Worst hazards are to be dealt with first
  • Your list should be regularly reviewed and updated.

Step 3: Fix the problems

  • Your first aim should be to totally remove the risk.
  • If it's not possible, you need to find ways to control it.
  • check our publications, alerts and guidance notes for your industry/topic and see if there's a documented solution to the problems
  • Get help from associations or groups that are related to your particular industry.
  • Talk to other people in your industry to see how they've handled similar problems.

All the above points to the trained OH&S professional may seem simple but quite often the small points are the ones that are missed or forgotten about.
By using a list or a basic checklist, you can quite easily follow an internal audit with ease.

Original article - WorkSafe Victoria.

External auditors are trained in the field of auditing. Having an external auditor come into your business and provide you with a fresh look over your policies and procedures can prove to be a very valuable tool. SafetyFirst offer an auditing service for Australia wide. Visit out auditing page for more details - SafetyFirst Auditing.