New SafetyFirst Safety Basics Videos

We recently released a series of 5 short safety animations aimed directly at apprentices and trainees focussing on the areas of:
- Working in confined spaces
- Working at heights
- Hazardous materials
- OHS risk management
- Apprentice OHS incident statistics
These animations are freely available for any GTO to use and to help spread the important message with apprentices of SafetyFirst.
We are currently working on a further 26 videos to add to the Safety Basics series so keep an eye out for those.
To view the animations please visit our YouTube Channel.
WorkSafe Victoria OHS Month Conference

On Wednesday this week, WorkSafe Victoria’s month long series of workshops and information sessions culminated with it's major conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Over the month various events have covered a wide range of OH&S topics including:
- Workplace bullying
- Supporting diverse workplaces
- Supporting young workers
- Working with engineered stone (crystalline silica dust)
Improving Workplace OH&S systemsFor further details and the presentations covered over the month can be found at WorkSafe Health and Safety Month.
2019 WorkSafe Awards
The outstanding contributions of 26 businesses, health and safety representatives and individuals were recognised at this year’s WorkSafe Award on Thursday evening this week.
The finalists across nine categories have showcased innovation, initiatives and commitment that have made an outstanding contribution to workplaces.
Congratulations to all the winners and finalists.
The award winners included:
Leading Return to Work Practice by an Employer - Baw Baw Shire Council RTW Coordinator Excellence - Winnie Tjong, Northern Health Worker Return to Work Achievement - Alex McCrae, H.I.M Spares Commitment to Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing - Scope Best Solution to a Manual Handling Issue - Reece Group, Ute Side Lifter OHS Leadership/Achievement Award - Mark Keating, St John of God Health Care Health and Safety Invention of the Year - Sigmatec Pty Ltd Best Solution to a Specific Workplace Health and Safety Issue - Belle Banne Conveyor Services Health and Safety Representative of the Year - Sally Collier-Clarke & Sara Jorgensen
Congratulations to all the nominees, finalists and winners of this years awards.
For further information on the award winners and finalists please visit WorkSafe Awards 2019.
National Return to Work Strategy 2020-30

Safe Work Australia has released its National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030.
Workers are at the heart of the Strategy’s vision to minimise the impact of work-related injury and illness and enable workers to have a timely, safe and durable return to work.
Supporting workers through their recovery and return to work is a priority for all jurisdictions and stakeholders involved in the process.
The Strategy paves the way for national collaboration to improve return to work outcomes over the next decade.
The Strategy was developed in partnership with governments, business, industry and unions, and endorsed by work health and safety ministers.
Consultation was also undertaken with academics, peak bodies, organisations and representatives from the insurance, legal and health sectors to help identify national policy issues and action areas to address them.
The Strategy is designed to be sufficiently broad so those involved in the return to work process can determine how they can best contribute to implementing the Strategy.
It is aimed at people who can influence work and workplaces, including:
- policy makers
- workers’ compensation authorities
- employer, industry and union groups
- insurers and claims management organisations
- treating health practitioners
- workplace rehabilitation providers, and
- other worker advocates
For further information or to access the report please visit Safe Work Australia.
In the News
Man caught in machinery dies - 29 Oct 2019 WorkSafe investigates farm death - 28 Oct 2019 Workplace injury rate remains at near record low - 23 Oct 2019 Tottenham fire site clean up continues - 20 Oct 2019 Charges laid after assault on youth justice worker - 18 Oct 2019 Company fined $120,000 for unsafe worksite - 16 Oct 2019 Company fined $80,000 after tyre shredder injury - 10 Oct 2019 Driver dies underneath truck - 09 Oct 2019
Australian WHS Statistics
There have been 124 workplace fatalities reported in Australia which is higher than this time last year.
The industries with the highest number of fatalities are:
Transport, postal & warehousing – 43 Agriculture, forestry & fishing – 28 Construction – 19
More at Safe Work Australia
SafetyFirst - Ahead of the Action
Your own branded learning management system not only benefits your apprentices and trainees, it also benefits you as a business. With SafetyFirst's online safety induction training, you'll enjoy benefits such as:
- Assist in meeting compliance - designed as tools to assist managers and supervisors to meet their Work Health and Safety obligations
- Do it anytime - The training course is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Interactive and engaging - easy to use by various learners, entertaining content for a more enjoyable learning experience
- Cost-effectiveness
- Consistency - ability to maintain a particular standard with staff WHS training
- Results – immediate results and feedback that identify further training needs
SafetyFirst can assist you in creating a safe work environment for all your new employees, apprentices and trainees.
A free trial of the material can be found here -
Learn more about SafetyFirst
SafetyFirst is an initiative of the Group Training Association of Victoria. Visit our site to keep up to date with the latest Health and Safety news Australia wide.