New SafetyFirst Video

We recently released a new safety video aimed directly at apprentices and trainees, highlighting the OH&S performance results collected over the past 5 years.
Over the past 5 years our members have been tracking workplace accidents for their apprentices. Overall we have now collected data on over 50,000 apprentices in a wide range of trades and industries.
So what have the survey results shown?
- The greatest at risk are 1st year apprentices aged between 15-24 years of age.
- The results show that the less experienced you are the more potential for a workplace accident.
- Young male apprentices within the building and construction, engineering, automotive and electrical trades are the greatest at risk.
The main accident types over the past 5 years include:
- Lacerations (cuts) to the hands.
- Sprain and Strains to the back (manual lifting).
- Foreign objects in the eyes.
These accidents may not seem like a big deal, but they can all have serious consequences.These results indicate that there are a number of simple things you could do to improve your workplace safety.Take a minute to think about the job you are about to do, and to make sure you are doing it safely.
- Remember to always ask if you are not sure about something.
- Use the correct piece of equipment for the job.
- If you are lifting something always do it safely!
- Wear your personal protective equipment at all times - especially your safety glasses and gloves!
Always think "SafetyFirst" so you don’t become a statistic.
This video is freely available for any GTO to use and to help spread the important message with apprentices of SafetyFirst.
To view the animated video please visit our YouTube Channel.
Safework Australia – Model Codes of Practice
Over the second half of 2018 SafeWork Australia released 30+ model codes of practice and guidance materials on a wide range of OH&S topics.These topics include:
- Abrasive Blasting
- Confined Spaces
- Construction Work
- Demolition Work
- Excavation Work
- First Aid in the Workplace
- Hazardous Manual Tasks
- How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace
- Managing the Work Environment and Facilities
- Spray Painting and Powder Coating
- How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks
- How to Safely Remove Asbestos
- Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals
- Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace
- Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work
- Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals
- Work Health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination
- Managing Risks in Stevedoring
- Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace
- Managing Risks of Plant in the Workplace
- Managing the Risk of falls at Workplaces
- Managing the Risk of Falls in Housing Construction
- Safe Design of Structures
- Welding Processes
To access these documents please visit SafeWork Australia.
2019 Awareness Days
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence — 15 March 2019
World Day for Safety and Health at Work - 28 April 2019
National Safety Month - October 2019
WorkSafe Victoria CALD Campaign Information
WorkSafe Victoria have published a new website WorkSafe CALD Information comprising a series of short informative video animations, posters for the workplace and employer checklists.
These resources have been translated into a number of languages making them perfect for migrant workers or those from non-english speaking homes.
The resources are available at the Worksafe CALD Information Website or head over to their YouTube Channel for the videos.
Safe Work Australia have published similar info sheets entitled Working Safey In Australia.
Small Business WHS responsibilities
Officers in small businesses have an obligation under WHS laws to demonstrate a proactive approach to WHS matters.
- Are you the owner or operator of a small business?
- Do you make big decisions about all or part of your business?
- Can you affect your business’s financial standing?
If you answered yes then you could have a responsiblity as an officer under WHS to demonstrate a pro-active approach to WHS matters.
Visit Safe Work Australia for further information and to determine what your responsibilites are.
In the News
WorkSafe to target falling object dangers - 18 Feb 2019 Farm fined $80,000 following forklift incident - 18 Feb 2019 Handyman ordered to pay up for fraud - 14 Feb 2019 Food retailer fined over return-to-work offences - 08 Feb 2019 Man electrocuted at Hughesdale - 07 Feb 2019 Epping and Campbellfield dangerous goods sites - 06 Feb 2019 Work to remove chemical stockpiles begins - 06 Feb 2019 Man dies after fall from height - 01 Feb 2019 Truck driver dies collecting rubbish skip - 25 Jan 2019 Young worker electrocuted on roof - 16 Jan 2019 Update on plans to remove chemical stockpiles at Epping and Campbellfield - 16 Jan 2019 Worker dies in hospital after scissor lift fall - 16 Jan 2019 Hot days spark safety warning - 15 Jan 2019 Company charged over trench collapse deaths - 09 Jan 2019 Agencies take control of chemical removal - 08 Jan 2019 Child dies in farm incident - 02 Jan 2019
Australian WHS Statistics
There have been 18 workplace fatalities reported in Australia, compared to 24 at the same time last year.
The industries with the highest number of fatalities are:
Agriculture, forestry & fishing – 6 Transport, postal & warehousing – 5 Construction – 4
More at Safe Work Australia
SafetyFirst - Ahead of the Action
Your own branded learning management system not only benefits your apprentices and trainees, it also benefits you as a business. With SafetyFirst's online safety induction training, you'll enjoy benefits such as:
- Assist in meeting compliance - designed as tools to assist managers and supervisors to meet their Work Health and Safety obligations
- Do it anytime - The training course is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Interactive and engaging - easy to use by various learners, entertaining content for a more enjoyable learning experience
- Cost-effectiveness
- Consistency - ability to maintain a particular standard with staff WHS training
- Results – immediate results and feedback that identify further training needs
SafetyFirst can assist you in creating a safe work environment for all your new employees, apprentices and trainees.
A free trial of the material can be found here -
Learn more about SafetyFirst
SafetyFirst is an initiative of the Group Training Association of Victoria. Visit our site to keep up to date with the latest Health and Safety news Australia wide.