New SafetyFirst Safety Basics Videos
We recently released a series of 5 short safety animations aimed directly at apprentices and trainees focussing on the areas of:
- Working in confined spaces
- Working at heights
- Hazardous materials
- OHS risk management
- Apprentice OHS incident statistics
These animations are freely available for any GTO to use and to help spread the important message with apprentices of SafetyFirst.
To view the animations please visit our YouTube Channel.
Finalists Announced for Health and Safety Awards
The outstanding contributions of 27 businesses, health and safety representatives and individuals will be recognised at this year’s WorkSafe Awards.
The finalists from around the state have been shortlisted across nine categories for their outstanding efforts in improving workplace health and safety and supporting injured workers to return to work.
This year’s awards attracted 219 nominations, the highest number since 2013.
"The WorkSafe Awards highlight the amazing things people do every day to make the lives of workers better, whether it’s through improving health and safety, or helping injured workers return to work," Ms Amies said.
The winners will be announced at the WorkSafe Awards Dinner at Melbourne Town Hall on October 31.
To see the list of finalists and for further information please visit Worksafe Victoria.
New Guidance for Labour Hire Available
The guide, Labour hire: duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking, is now available.
It provides information for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) in labour hire arrangements on complying with their health and safety duties under the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws.
The guide has practical information for labour hire and host PCBUs on their roles before and during the placement of labour hire workers.
There are new practical examples and guidance on the duty of host and labour hire PCBUs to consult, cooperate and coordinate.
Businesses using or providing labour hire should read the guide for information about their WHS responsibilities.
More information on labour hire is available on the Safe Work Australia website.
Updating the GHS Under the Model WHS Laws Consultation Summary

An online consultation for the proposal to adopt an updated edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) under the model WHS laws was conducted in July 2019
Twenty-four submissions were received from a range of stakeholders, including users of hazardous chemicals, manufacturers, suppliers, peak industry associations and government agencies.
Safe Work Australia would like to thank those who provided feedback. The feedback received will help ensure any changes to Australia’s classification and hazard communication requirements for workplace hazardous chemicals are implemented in the most effective way.
For further information, the consultation summary is now available on the Safe Work Australia website.
To stay informed about the proposal to adopt GHS 7, subscribe to the hazardous chemicals mailing list.
National Safe Work Month—Campaign Kit Now Available

The campaign kit for this year’s National Safe Work Month campaign is now available.
Using the campaign kit, everyone can support a safety culture at their workplace and promote best practice work health and safety initiatives.
This year, the kit includes:
- NSWM brand kit
- posters
- editable posters
- flyers
- web graphics
- infographics (coming soon)
- fact sheet (coming soon)
We can all strive to Be a Safety Champion at work this October.
You can download these free resources on the National Safe Work Month website.
In the News
Uncontrolled dry cutting of engineered stone banned - 21 Aug 2019 Meat processor fined $90,000 after hand amputation - 15 Aug 2019 Conviction for assaulting WorkSafe inspector - 13 Aug 2019 Man dies after fall from ladder - 12 Aug 2019 Secure worksites during wild weather - 08 Aug 2019 Fruit company fined for sliced finger incident - 08 Aug 2019 Demolition company fined $75,000 after worker’s fall - 08 Aug 2019 Retailer fined $150,000 after plant crushes worker - 05 Aug 2019
Australian WHS Statistics
There have been 83 workplace fatalities reported in Australia which is the same number as this time last year.
The industries with the highest number of fatalities are:
Transport, postal & warehousing – 28 Agriculture, forestry & fishing – 19 Construction – 12
More at Safe Work Australia
SafetyFirst - Ahead of the Action
Your own branded learning management system not only benefits your apprentices and trainees, it also benefits you as a business. With SafetyFirst's online safety induction training, you'll enjoy benefits such as:
- Assist in meeting compliance - designed as tools to assist managers and supervisors to meet their Work Health and Safety obligations
- Do it anytime - The training course is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Interactive and engaging - easy to use by various learners, entertaining content for a more enjoyable learning experience
- Cost-effectiveness
- Consistency - ability to maintain a particular standard with staff WHS training
- Results – immediate results and feedback that identify further training needs
SafetyFirst can assist you in creating a safe work environment for all your new employees, apprentices and trainees.
A free trial of the material can be found here -
Learn more about SafetyFirst
SafetyFirst is an initiative of the Group Training Association of Victoria. Visit our site to keep up to date with the latest Health and Safety news Australia wide.