New SafetyFirst Safety Basics Videos

Following the release of the first SafetyFirst Safety Basics animations aimed at highlighting key safety issues faced by apprentices and all workers more broadly, we are pleased to announce that with the support of RMIT we have produced another 20 animations covering the following topics:
- Alcohol & Drugs in the Workplace
- Asbestos Awareness
- Bullying in the Workplace
- Cranes and Lifting Equipment
- Crystaline Silica
- Demolition
- Excavation & Trenching
- Fatigue
- Manual Handling
- Noise Safety
- Office Safety
- Plant and Equipment
- Slips Trips and Falls
- Technology and Social Media
- Traffic Management
- Working Alone
- Working in Extreme Weather
- Workplace Violence and Agression
- Work-related Stress and Mental Health
This brings the number of animations to 24 with a further 12 currently in development. These animations are freely available for any GTO to use and to help spread the important message with apprentices of Safety First!
To view the animations please visit our YouTube Channel and be sure to Subscribe to our channel to receive updates.
New COVID-19 WHS industry guidance available

The Safe Work Australia website has been updated to provide a central hub of work health and safety (WHS) guidance and tools to help Australian workplaces manage the health and safety risks posed by COVID-19.
The website gives users easy access to guidance that is directly relevant to their specific industry. It includes guidance about physical distancing, personal protective equipment, cleaning, workers’ compensation, how to conduct risk assessments and design emergency plans, as well as providing case studies to help explain how to manage the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace.
Go to COVID-19 Information for workplaces and filter the content using the new drop-down menus to find information and resources tailored for:
- employers, small business and workers
- the industry you work in, and
- the health and safety topic that you would like information on.
There are 23 industries to choose from as well as general industry information if your industry is not listed.
You can also use the search bar to find specific COVID-19 WHS content or browse through the information for your industry.
New information and guidance continue to be developed and the website will be updated with new information as the COVID-19 situation evolves.
BullyZero Introduces new Workplace and Schools Program
Workplace Program
Aimed at employers of all sizes and taking current COVI-19 restrictions, it will be delivered virtually; the program will equip you to guard the wellbeing, productivity and performance of your people throughout 2020.
It focuses on maximising positive connectivity, reducing negative strains and behaviours, and safeguarding the psychological and emotional safety of your people.
In addition, Bully Zero have also launched single webinars for employees and managers/leaders.
Schools Program
In response to the spread of COVID – 19, students and teachers have had to adapt to unprecedented changes in the delivery of education programs and learning.
To ensure Bully Zero can continue to educate our community on the dangers of bullying and cyberbullying, they are now offering all our workshops as live online webinars.
As students are spending more time in front of online devices for learning and socialising, new evidence suggests cyberbullying has significantly increased during this pandemic period. As such, it is essential that we continue to educate and inform our students and parents on the dangers associated with bullying, and assist with the development of personal strategies which help protect young people online.
Four webinars available to schools
- Understanding Bullying
- SafetyNet
- Resilience
- It Takes A Village (for parents and teachers)
More information for the Workplace Program and Schools Program is available on the Bully Zero website.
In the News
Two dead in workplace incidents - 01 May 2020 Charges laid over Campbellfield chemical fire - 14 Apr 2020 Company fined $300,000 for gas bottle explosion - 08 Apr 2020
Australian WHS Statistics
There have been 63 workplace fatalities reported in Australia which is higher than this time last year.
The industries with the highest number of fatalities are:
Transport, postal & warehousing – 20 Construction – 12 Public administration and safety – 9
More at Safe Work Australia
SafetyFirst - Ahead of the Action
Your own branded learning management system not only benefits your apprentices and trainees, it also benefits you as a business. With SafetyFirst's online safety induction training, you'll enjoy benefits such as:
- Assist in meeting compliance - designed as tools to assist managers and supervisors to meet their Work Health and Safety obligations
- Do it anytime - The training course is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Interactive and engaging - easy to use by various learners, entertaining content for a more enjoyable learning experience
- Cost-effectiveness
- Consistency - ability to maintain a particular standard with staff WHS training
- Results – immediate results and feedback that identify further training needs
SafetyFirst can assist you in creating a safe work environment for all your new employees, apprentices and trainees.
A free trial of the material can be found here -
Learn more about SafetyFirst
SafetyFirst is an initiative of the Group Training Association of Victoria. Visit our site to keep up to date with the latest Health and Safety news Australia wide.