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For example:

  • In cement sheeting
  • Behind bathroom tiles
  • In corrugated roofing and
  • Under vinyl flooring and carpet

As a worker or a home owner, the hazard exist when making renovations or demolitions as this is what disturbs the asbestos particles and makes them air born. If the material is not disturbed, there is no risk to our health.
The spike of home renovation TV shows have sparked concern in Australian governments, prompting the huge amount of FAQ sheets and general information now available from each state and territory in Australia. Although the amount of asbestos related illnesses in Australian workforces is still too high, research has shown that there has been a dramatic decline in asbestos related illnesses from former manufacturing workers and builders in Australia. However, the research has also shown that there has been an increase in the amount of asbestos related illnesses due to home renovations.
It is safe to say, when at work or at home making renovations, if you are unsure if certain materials are asbestos, treat it as asbestos until you know otherwise.


Check out our Asbestos page for links to each State and Territories WorkCover/WorkSafe pages for more information on asbestos in your jurisdiction - SafetyFirst.