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 Wear appropriate cloths with dealing with the heat. Wear loose fitting clothes that cover as much skin as possible. Lightweight, light colored clothing can greatly reduce heat from direct sunlight. Protect your face and neck with a broad rimed hat and sunscreen. Stay out of the sun as much as possible even with your protective clothes on.

Drink plenty of water and natural juices. The rate that your body absorbs fluids is less than the rate it loses fluids. Avoid alcoholic beverage in this heat, this can only serve to dehydrate you further. Avoid drinking any drinks with caffeine in them. Caffeine only causes further body dehydration.

In this heat be smart with what you eat. Eat small meals rather than large ones. Avoid high protein and salty foods.

While working or undergoing any physical activity in this heat, try your best to slow down, reduce, eliminate, or reschedule strenuous activities such as running, biking and lawn care work.

Keep an eye on your workmates and others

Don't leave children or animals in closed vehicles. Temperatures inside a closed vehicle can reach a lot higher than you would first imagine.

Be smart this summer, emergency units have enough work on their hands without us causing avoidable emergency situations.