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External Links

Links to Australian State and Territory Workplace Health and Safety/ Occupational Health and Safety websites. As well as state spasific free resources and Australian general resources.

Australian general resources                 


The OHS Body of Knowledge is the collective knowledge that should be shared by Australian generalist OHS professionals to provide a sound basis for understanding the causation and control of work-related fatality, injury, disease and ill-health.




The Australian Cancer Council offers a free online course to help GP's, Health practitioners; OHS professionals and workers understand their exposure to carcinogens.

Complete this course and receive your Certificate to become more sun safe or even help comply with your sun exposure policies. 





cancer council




New South Wales


WorkCover NSW 2




WorkSafe Tas 2


Western Australia


WorkSafe WA


Northern Territory


WorkSafe NT




WorkSafe Qld 2


Australian Capital Territory


WorkSafe ACT 2


South Australia


SafeWork SA 2


WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe VIC 2

 WorkSafe 2012-2017 Strategic guide WorkSafe 2017 
WorkSafe Victoria News - The latest news Australias safest state has to offer. WorkSafe News
Safe-T1 is an educational based website created by the Victorian Applied Learning Association. This site is a great free resource for young apprentices and trainees or anyone wanting a basic understanding of Workplace Health and Safety. safe-t1
Apprenticeship Employment Network is the peak industry body representing not for profit group training companies across Victoria and is part of a national network of group training associations. AEN represent over 150 group training organisations connecting to over 40,000 apprentices and trainees.